We’re excited that you are interested in the upcoming Global Open House. If you are new to Gather, below are tips to start.
If you are not speaking, keep your mic muted unless you are in a small group setting. Be respectful of other guests. Anyone disrupting the event will be asked to leave or banned from the event space permanently.
The created world is best accessed via a web browser on a desktop. Upon accessing the website, you will be shown a screen to enter your name and give permissions to your microphone and video.
Use the arrow keys ⬇️, ⬆️, ⬅️, or ➡️ on your keyboard to move around the space.
You can also use letters: w, a, s, d
Having trouble moving? It may be because of an obstacle. Move backwards or to the side and try again.Or press “g” to enter “ghost” mode and continue moving.
If you lose a member of your group in Gather, click the person's name from the left navigational pane to find them. Alternatively, use the follow option.
If you find yourself lost, click your name and choose either "reset" or "respawn."
As your avatar moves closer to someone, they will be able to see and hear you. When the conversation is over, move away.
There are also private spaces where only those within a space can hear those nearby.